Saturday, May 16, 2020

International Trade Management Lecture Notes Essay

International Trade Management Lecture 1 Juney Notes Globalisation Debate Lecture Objectives: 1. Globalisation Trends (Have choices, Cheaper) 1.1 Globalisation 1.2 Trends 1.3 To operate abroad, consider†¦ 2. Anti-globalisation (When you are anti-smth, there would be forms of barriers) 3. Trade barriers – government intervention in international trade 3.1 Free trade 3.2 Trade Barriers 3.3 Why Government Intervene in International Trade 3.3.1 Political Arguments 3.3.2 Economic Arguments 3.4 Instruments of Trade Policy 3.4.1 Tariffs 3.4.2 Subsidies 3.4.3 Import quotas 3.4.4 Voluntary export restraints 3.4.5 Local content requirements 3.4.6 Antidumping policies 3.4.7 Administrative policies 3.5 Government intervention impact business strategy by†¦ 4. Free Trade Agreement 5. Trade blocs 1. Globalisation Trends (Have choices, Cheaper) 1.1 Globalisation 1.1.1 Globalisation of Markets 1.1.2 Globalisation of Production 1.2 Trends 1.2.1 Outsourcing 1.2.2 Offshoring 1.3 To operate abroad, consider†¦ 1. Globalisation Trends 1.1 Globalisation 1. Definition: The shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. 1.1.1 Globalisation of Markets 1. The merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one hugeShow MoreRelatedBUSN115 Final Exam Study Guide1656 Words   |  7 Pages37-38; week 1 lecture pg 5 Be able to define, differentiate and provide examples of a free market, command and mixed economy. pg 42-44 2-6 thru 2-9 Define and discuss the fiscal and monetary policy role of the federal government and its respective agencies. pg. 49, 51; week 1 lecture pg 5 List and define the foundations of capitalism. pg. 35 2-5 Apply the â€Å"Invisible Hand† to a market economy. pg 33-34 Explain productivity and its relationship to international trade. 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