Saturday, December 28, 2019

Informative Speech Children Of Kids And Consists All...

Purposes of Play in Child Development The play is the work of kids and consists all activities done for self-amusements and has behavioral, psychomotor, and social rewards. The activities are child-directed, rewards come from within the kids themselves; they are spontaneous and enjoyable. Playing is a paramount part of the children development process. It enables the children to learn about themselves, colors, shapes, and cause and effects. It is the best way of communicating their feelings such as fear, joy, anxiety and sorrow. Since the early 2000s, most of the kids from different age’s groups and socioeconomic background choose computers and television to more imaginative, self-directed, and creative plays. This has made the kids to be developmentally deprived since imaginative and fantasy games allow the children to explore their world in the most efficient manner and express their innermost feelings, thoughts, fears, hopes, likes, and dislikes. The play is the only way t he kids can develop essential skills such as decision-making skills as they are faced with many dilemmas during games which require making decisions without fear of failure or penalty. It helps them gain control of their feelings, thoughts, and actions and achieve self-confidence. Parents should know how crucial it is to spend time with their children. The primary purpose of play in can be categorized as following; Physical development It helps them to develop physically as the play aids in developing

Friday, December 20, 2019

History Of The Sport Of Gymnastics - 1235 Words

Gymnastics has been around over 2000 years (History of the Sport of Gymnastics). People have done gymnastics for various reasons, including to have a good time, compete against other gymnasts’, and to get in shape. Gymnastics has played a unique and vital role in American History. It was used to get men ready for war. The skills that it involves is very important to those going to battle. The running, mounting, jumping, and dismounting was all important to learn before going to war (History of Gymnastics | It combines grace, beauty, and strength. It is now a popular Olympic Sport. According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association there are approximately 4.5 million gymnasts in the United States. Seventy-one percent of the gymnasts are females (Deusen). Males do participate in gymnastics, but a lot of the gymnasts’ are female. Gymnastics originated from Greece. In Greece, they used the skills like running, mounting, jumping, and dismounting to get men ready for war. (History of Gymnastics | It is unique that a sport like gymnastics was used to get men ready for war. Our men needed to go out there and be able to keep up a fight. Gymnastics did that for them. It was later introduced to the United States in 1830 by immigrants. Their names’ were Charles Beck, Charles Follen, and Francis Lieber. Once it was introduced, it grew from there. People began to do gymnastics and use it for various reasons. It became so popular that it wasShow MoreRelatedIs Watching Gymnastics Worse Than Being An Nfl Fan?1164 Words   |  5 Pagescontrolling their bodies. I loved watching gymnastics and always wanted to try the sport. However, when I saw the passage â€Å"Is Watching Gymnastics Worse than Being an NFL Fan?† written by O’Rourke, I was astonished by the author’s doubts to the sport. In the article, the author talks about the development of gymnastics and emphasizes its sexual and emotionally abusive history. In her opinion, gymnastics is bad for female athletes and she doesn’t enjoy watching the sport as she used to. However, I don’t thinkRead MoreAnalyzing The Gymnastics Scoring System Essay1473 Words   |   6 PagesGymnastics started out as just an exercise program of different moves in Greece. The modernization of gymnastics began in the late 1700s, its been around for about 2,000 years. This is one of the oldest forms of exercise in the world. The scores are completely different not only because the system changed, but because the level of difficulty was also higher. In the sport of gymnastics is ‘the perfect 10’ scoring system was changed the most. For this research paper, I will be researching the gymnasticsRead MoreAnalyzing The Gymnastics Scoring System Essay1604 Words   |  7 Pagesthe gymnastics scoring system, the controversy that the scoring has created over time, and the general history of the sport. Gymnastics started out as just an exercise program of different moves in Greece. The modernization of gymnastics began in the late 1700s, its been around for about 2,000 years. This is one of the oldest forms of exercise in the world. The scores are completely different not only because the system changed, but because the level of difficulty was also higher. In the sport ofRead MoreIs Cheerleading a Sport?669 Words   |  3 PagesIs Cheerleading a Sport? The first intercollegiate American Football game was played between Princeton university and Rutgers University in 1869, and cheerleading began in the 1880s with Princetons all-male pep club. In 1923, women were allowed to become cheerleaders at the University of Minnesota, and during the 1920s, cheerleaders added acrobatics to the cheers (Being a Cheerleader). The first Cheerleading National Championship was held in 1982, hosted by the Universal Cheerleaders AssociationRead MoreGymnastics Is A Competitive Sport1688 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to Oxford Dictionaries, the formal definition of gymnastics is Exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination. The modern sport of gymnastics typically involves exercises on uneven bars, balance beam, floor, and vaulting horse for women, and horizontal and parallel bars, rings, floor, and pommel horse for men. Gymnastics is a competitive sport in which gymnasts perform acrobatic feats such as leaps, flips, turns, handstands and choreographed routines. These acrobaticsRead MoreThe Historical Development And Influences On Physical Education1707 Words   |  7 PagesEugene Pring S3547404 Times are Changing: The History of Physical Education in Australia Topic: Discuss the historical development and influences on Physical Education in Australia and how this has impacted on the current Physical Education programs in Victoria, Australia OHTH2122 Teaching Methods of Health Physical Education 1B Lecturer: Kate Jenkinson Part B - Essay Response (30%) Due: 4pm Tuesday 25th August 2015 (Week 6) Word Count: words. Submitted to the School ofRead MoreThe Sport Of Modern Gymnastics1530 Words   |  7 PagesThe sport of gymnastics has its origins in early Greek civilization where physical fitness was a very important characteristic. Gymnastics was extremely popular among the men and women of Greece as it was one of the main activities for individuals to attain his or her physical prowess. Gymnastics was more of a leisure activity for the Greeks, but not until the rise of the Roman Empire did it become more of a formal sport. The sport remained popular in the Roman Empire, but when the empire fellRead MoreSelf Presentation Is Described As Playing Out A Self1273 Words   |  6 PagesSelf-presentation can be looked at as calculated choices, choices that are made under certain circumstances in order to appeal to certain groups or others. For example, when Jordan overheard his uncle Bernie and his friends making fun of him for doing gymnastics he decided to get into basketball again to please his uncle. Another example is Briana, when her mother wants her to be more tough and aggressive when she’s out on the field she begins to do so because she’s wants to please her mother. AccordingRead MoreWhy I Should Become A Physician Assistant868 Words   |  4 Pageswas consumed with the sport of gymnastics. I remember the rush I would get as it was my turn to compete in front of the cheering crowd. In those moments nothing else mattered; just me, the chalk on my calloused hands and the equipment in front of me. I have competed in gymnastics ever since I was five years old. I spent six days a week in the gym practicing all year round and even volunteered part of my time to a community program teaching gymnastics to children. Gymnastics had a tremendous roleRead MoreTaking a Look at Title IX1864 Words   |  7 Pagescollege where as females do not. They tell you to be a cheerleader or work in the kitchen and stay at home, but in your heart you are a competitor and have a passion for sports. This is a feeling that many females felt before Title IX; was explicated to give female’s gender equality in sports. Title IX has positively affected women’s s ports over the years, but can negatively impact men’s teams, especially within the collegiate field. Title IX has changed budgeting and participation numbers between males

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Project Management Information Systems And Human Resource

Question: Discuss about the Project Management Information Systems And Human Resource Management. Answer: Project human resources management (HRM) methods, techniques tools Hierarchical types of charts (work breakdown structures, organization breakdown structure, traditional organization structure) Matrix based charts (responsibility assignment matrix, RACI (responsible, accountable, consult, inform, Resource breakdown structure (RBS). Text oriented formats (job descriptions responsibilities Networking (formal informal interactions, meetings) Organization theory (work culture, organization behaviour cultures) Source: ((Gido, J Clements, J, 2014)) HRM methods, tools or techniques and their uses HRM method, tool or technique Managing a project Managing a complaint Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) As for managing roles RAM is useful in designing responsibilities, roles and level of specific activities (one person is associated with one activity(Bourne, 2015). It is useful in managing complaint in that one person is accountable to an activity and is directly answerable or can advise otherwise. Meetings They can be formal or informal meetings used to plan roles, review progress and performance. Formal meetings done by a selected complaint handling committees for listening and solving complaints. Organization theory The method is useful in providing information on project team members behaviour in order to allocate roles, create work structures, and choose suitable leadership styles. It is the understanding of project team member behaviour in order to devise better ways to address or approach the complaint. Performance measurements processes Part A: Absolute standards, adjective rating scale, and management by objectives (MBO) Absolute standards-it is a useful process in assessing employees individual performance against established standards. Adjective rating scales- The process lists employees traits and a range of performance for each (appraising each trait separately). MBO- A processes that mutually setting objective with employee and evaluation is based on the attainment of the specific objectives(Gido, J Clements, J, 2014). Part B: Absolute standards, adjective rating scale, and management by objectives (MBO) Absolute standards-Performance of employee can be improved if mutual standards are set that are achievable to employees. Adjective rating scales- The process is useful in recognizing employee weakest trait and advising them on ways to improve them Management by objectives- it is useful in helping the employee in setting realistic and achievable targets. The employee can improve specific performance by setting higher targets to be achieved. Alternative communication methods and media and applications. It is a suitable approach and plan for project communications to various stakeholders by creating appropriate means of communications informations. The communication methods can be meetings, mails, memos, and telephoning. It can be used in project by identifying suitable methods, and timings for communicating project information (performance, progress) to specific stakeholders(Team, B., Schori, A., MacLean, M., Shipe, J., Wickenkamp, A., Wehr, A., 2014). Project management information systems (PMIS) Construction The appropriate applications for this category include: Oracle primavera P6, Oracle primavera contract manager, meridian proliance, Aconex, Autodesk contract ware Energy/Oil Gas The appropriate applications for this category include: Microsoft project server, Microsoft portfolio server, oracle primavera P6. Information systems The appropriate applications for this category include: Microsoft server, Microsoft share point server, huddle, on time scrum, tech excel dev. suite Manufacturing Retail The appropriate applications for this category include: Microsoft project server, huddle, oracle primavera contract manager, oracle primavera P6. Information systems and communication processes evaluation methods There are several methods that can be used they include: impact logs, most significant change approach, surveys, and key informant interviews. The impact log can be used to identify the long term effect caused by the system. The most significant change approach is useful in establish any changes originating from a system. Surveys are used to establish from respondents the appropriateness of information systems and communication systems. Key informant interviews are useful in establishing success and failures of an information system and communication system(Darling, 1994). Assessment task 2: Manage project HR, information and communication Project tasks, skills and human resources The group will need the following human resources with specific skills to perform the required tasks. Table 1 shows a summary of human resource skills and tasks. Human resource persons Tasks Skills Project manager Planning, organizing, directing and controlling group activities(Heagney, 2016) Social person, problem solver, risk taker, leader Organizing secretary Record keeping, note taking, programs A good communicator, good organizer, good planner Tour leader Lead the team, negotiate for the group, provide direction Leadership, social and knowledgeable person Welfare person Provision of accessory facilities Social and accommodative person Organization structure Project communication and timeline The table 2 shows a summary of project resource persons and timelines Person Project time line Project tasks Project manager During project time Provide leadership and accountant and responsible role Organizing secretary Several times in project During group meetings and execution of functions Tour leader During group activities Providing guidelines and information. Giving directions Welfare person Several times in projects Provide welfare services other accessories The HRM tools and techniques during the project will be useful in reporting, allocating tasks to respective persons. The HRM components will be useful in reviewing and assessing performance in addition to providing responsibility and authority to the employees in respective positions(Armstrong, 2010). HRM planning information and communication process Management and distribution of information requirements is critical for the group during its discussions. The information required include: time for movement in different stages, informations to be gathered, and role of each members during the excursion. The various stakeholders need to be incorporated during the communication process. The stakeholders will show and distribute information among them(Hurwitz, M., Hurwitz, S, 2013). The input will be obtained from the stakeholder groups through forum groupings, formal meetings and discussions. The project communication and information system plan is shown in table 3. Table 3 communication plan Stakeholder Communication needs Period of communication Means of communication Project manager Report status of the payments Periodically Formal informal meetings Tour leader Explaining touring process Frequently Impromptu and formal meetings Organizing secretary Explanation the procedures Occasionally Formal meetings Welfare person Explain welfare needs Frequently Impromptu meetings Group members Debates and discussions Frequently Formal discussions Human resources, informations and communication processes The project group roles will include: conceptualizing of idea, planning of idea, execution of project, monitoring and evaluation of project and closure informations. The project roles will be measured based on the following key indicators: original idea generated, budget plan created, implementation of project, quality standards maintained, and project closed successfully. The information gathered will be arranged, coded and stored in a project information system, with an enabled back up in place. The information will be able to be retrieved and disseminated to different stakeholders(Ye, Chen, Sanjeev Jha, and Kevin C. Desouza., 2015). Data auditor analysts will be chosen to help in editing, modifying and controlling data. The process will ensure that no new or data is lost during the process. The communication network adopted for the project will be a top down communication network from the top management to the lower management(Bryde, D., Broquetas, M., Volm, J. M., 2013). The communication and information system issues include: conflict among stakeholders, distortions of communication. The management will ensure a communication plan be followed and maintained. The development and training of employees will be done using a on door training system. The employees will be measured based on the targets set to them to achieve and appraisal done to ensure results are maintained. Implementation of the project A human resource plan will be implemented to ensure that individual performance and project effectiveness is achieved. The performance of individuals will be done using appraisal process by assessing each of the individual using a rating scale (employee performance appraisal rating). A committee will be formulated to ensure that they listen to employees grievances and provide counseling, conflict resolution and advisory roles in projects(Nazari, 2016). The inter project and intra project resource conflict will be solved by using conflict management plan with aid of conflict management tools and techniques. Assessment 3-access information and communication outcome The information technology becomes a useful component that ensuresproject management needs and tasks are taken in consideration. The information system allows individuals to get access to information and communication needs. Formulating the information system enables stakeholders needs to be met and reduce conflict where necessary. The lessons learnt are that a information system require a proper systematic planning process with stakeholders be consulted to ensure communication and information system is implemented(Heagney, 2016). The group is disbanded after a closure meeting has been done during the closure meeting discussions of the challenges, achievements and lesson learnt will be done. All the members will be consulted to make closure approval. The various human resources addressed included: human resource planning, job appraisals, and job performance criterias have done using informations and communication techniques. The study recommends that projects have a fully integrated human resource management information system(Bourne, 2015). References Armstrong, M. (2010). Human resource management. London, England: Mc Graw Hill. Bourne, L. (2015). Making projects work:effective stakeholder and communication management. New Delhi: CRC press. Bryde, D., Broquetas, M., Volm, J. M. (2013). The project benefits of building information modelling. International Journal of project management, 31(7), 971-980. Darling, H. (1994). Performance based assessements and education equal. Harvard education review, 64, 5-21. Gido, J Clements, J. (2014). Successfulproject management . Chicago: Nelson Education. Heagney, J. (2016). The Top Management Team: Key to Strategic Success in marketing. California Management Review, 80(1), 67-134. Hurwitz, M., Hurwitz, S. (2013). Personal, Team, and Organizational Development. In Leadership is Half the Story: A Fresh Look at Followership, Leadership, and Collaboration . University of Toronto Press, 10(4), 23-78. Nazari, A. (2016). Developing a social media communication plan. Strategic integration of social media into project management practice, 194-217. Team, B., Schori, A., MacLean, M., Shipe, J., Wickenkamp, A., Wehr, A. (2014). Intergrated marketing communication plan. Bahmuda : Cengage publishers. Ye, Chen, Sanjeev Jha, and Kevin C. Desouza. (2015). Communicating the business value of innovation. International Journal of Innovation Science , 1-12.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Psychological Explanations Of Anorexia Essay Example For Students

Psychological Explanations Of Anorexia Essay By: Anonymous It seems today that eating disorders are on the rise. While this may be true, the numbers may appear to grow only because more cases are being brought out into the open. The purpose of this paper is to discuss eating disorders and prove the these disease, specifically Anorexia Nervosa, continue to plague of women due to psychological and environmental factors along with pressure from the media. The term Anorexia Nervosa is misleading. It means loss of appetite due to nerves. But people with anorexia dont actually lose their appetite until the late stages of their starvation. Until, they do feel hungry, but they just wont eat. People affected by anorexia have an extreme fear of gaining weight. In addition to drastic dieting, they may resort to vomiting and the use of laxatives and diuretics to lose weight. Statistics show that many teens and young adults suffer from anorexia nervosa. Without treatment, anorexia nervosa can cause serious health problemseven death! The sooner treatment begins the better the chances for a full recovery. The person with another anorexia is a model child. He/She is well behaved, eager to please, and a good student who gets along well with her peers. She rarely admits that anything is wrong or that anything is wrong or that she/he extra helps. Behind the mask is an insecure, self-critical perfectionist who feels unworthy of any praises she receives. A person who has anorexia is also very concerned about whether other people like her. Occasionally, she feels that theres something wrong with her- that shes bad or that her thoughts are disgusting. (PennSAHIC) One interpretation of an eating disorder is termed as a relationship between the person and food the appears abnormal. Anorexia Nervosa is one of the most prevalent eating disorder decease. The definition of Anorexia, Dr. Barton J. Blinder gives an interpretation similar to this: Anorexia is an all-encompassing pursuit of thinness, occurring most often in adolescents and young adult woman. This is accomplished by avoidance of eating by any means possible. The person affected by Anorexia has an absolutely terrifying fear of becoming obese. In short, food becomes the enemy; one researcher described Anorexia as weight phobia. (noah.cuny. edu/wellconn/eatdisorders.html) Some experts believe that a fear of growing up is the root of the problem. Other experts see the disorder as a subconscious rebellion against parents whove set standards that are too high. All experts agree that food is not the central problem. There is evidence that people with anorexia secrete abnormal amounts of various hormones. But, many researchers believe these imbalances are the results of emotional stress and severe dieting, not the case of them. In our culture, thin is in and dieting is normal behavior. The pressure to be the best may also be a factor in the disorders development. (PennSAHIC) People who intentionally starve themselves suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa. The disorder, which usually begins in young people around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight lossat least 15 percent below the individuals normal body weight. Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are convinced they are overweight. Sometimes they must be hospitalized to prevent starvation. An example of this will be illustrated in the following story: Deborah developed anorexia nervosa when she is 16. A rather shy, studious teenager, she tried hard to please everyone. She had an attractive appearance, but was slightly overweight. Like many teenager girls, she was interested in boys but concerned that she wasnt pretty enough to get their attention. When her father jokingly remarked that she would never get a date if she didnt take off same weight, she took him seriously and began to diet relentlessly- never believing she was thin even when she became extremely underweight. Soon after the pounds started dropping off, Deborahs menstrual periods stopped. As anorexia tightened its grip, she became obsessed with dieting and food and developed strange eating rituals. Every day she weighted all the food she would eat on a kitchen scale, cutting solids into minuscule pieces and precisely measuring liquids. .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 , .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .postImageUrl , .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 , .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9:hover , .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9:visited , .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9:active { border:0!important; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9:active , .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9 .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u05567ab2fc5095072d255afe7f910bf9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The clearinghouse on child abuse and neglect infor Essay She would then put her daily ration in small containers, lining them up in neat rows. She also exercised compulsively, even after she